
When you see the Bistroo you will immediately realise what the double ‘oo’ is all about. The rounded backrests provide support as you sit side by side, watching the world go by. Enjoy a continental breakfast or delicious hors d’oeuvres at the table. The specially designed hole in the table is the ideal place for the garçon to leave a tray of herbs and condiments. Three legs, two chairs and one tabletop are the basis of this innovative concept. The Bistroo remains perfectly stable on an outdoor terrace thanks to its three cleverly-positioned legs.

Two seats and a table for every 116 cm of façade. So there’s bound to be space for a Bistroo on any balcony or on the pavement beside your door.




1) Sit side by side
2) Stackable
3) Can be left outdoors all year round
4) Combines well with the ‘Virus’ family
5) Supported on three legs, making it stable
6)Applications: suitable for almost all balconies, terraces, rooftops, bars, restaurants, hotels


1) Tabletop
– Structured powder coated aluminium
2) Legs
– Structured powder coated stainless steel
3) Seats & backrest
– Structured powder coated

Product Size (L x W x H) mm:

1160 x 940 x 880

Color (frame):

– Papyrus white
– Verdigris
– Reed green
– Copper brown

Weight (kg):

Packing (Vol (M3)):


Dirk Wynants